10 dec. 2011


Today I've Veet-ed. And as I was doing it I came up with slogans for this product.
Veet - Like giving yourself a bitchslap.
Veet - Why wait for a bitchslap? Do it on your own!

For you who doesn't know what Veet is.. It's like a wax strip that you warm up with your hands and put on the place you want to wax, and then fast rip it off, therefor it feels like getting bitchslapped and the burning afterward is horrible. But it sure is a great product and smell rather nice.

I also noticed they've changed their design of the actual strips for a better grip, it is easier to maneuver though I can't help but think how awfully alike a bandage it looks now.


7 dec. 2011

Creative streak

(Click to enlarge)

This is what I entertained myself with today.


6 dec. 2011


Ugh, Finally done. Typography of Siri Tollerod.
It took me about two weeks too finish.
Used Photoshop.
(Click to enlarge)


5 dec. 2011

Boredom at work

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
Welcome to the internet. How may I assist you?
Stranger 2: PORN.
Stranger 1: ( . Y . )
Stranger 1: Close Enough.

/ Heavsie

Omegle.. You crack me up.

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
lemon or lime?
Stranger 1: lemon you dumb bastard
Stranger 2: lime
Stranger 1: lime will not prevent scurvy.
Stranger 1: you hear me? WILL NOT PREVENT SCURVY!!!
Stranger 1: damn. nigga get a clue
Stranger 2: corona and lime, classic
Stranger 1: ok I pop a cap in yo lime-liking ass, how dat
Stranger 1: wait wait wait
Stranger 1: wtf
Stranger 1: corona? like,
Stranger 1: the worst beer ever invented?
Stranger 2: i'm a girl, tastes nice to me!
Stranger 2: about the only one i can drink
Stranger 1: omg you are one really bad person. I hate you so much. never have I had such a gap in tastes with someone.
Stranger 1 has disconnected

By the way, I was the spy.


4 dec. 2011

Oh Simon..!

So I was looking for gifs on Simon Kotyk and instead found this.. I thought it was hilarious.

squeeze or rub the nipples?

Here is the proof~

/ Heavsie

3 dec. 2011

Oh Bredbandsbolaget

So there is this company in my country named Bredbandsbolaget, usually and I mean a lot of times it's the best company in the entire world, I've never really have any problems and when they do occur they get fixed up easy and I wouldn't dream of having another provider of internet connection than just Bredbandsbolaget, which by the way they got a kickass song for their commercial. (if not a bit dorky but I still love it)

But there is just one little thing that annoys me every goddamn year and that is when the internet connection is lost and this happens every damn winter. I don't know if the cold disturbs the sender or something but freaking god, isn't the technology good enough for that to be fixed now? And are you surprised it's going to be cold once every freaking year? Pardon me but, we live in Sweden and it will SNOW and be FUCKING COLD EVERY YEAR. Global warning don't got shit on this Nordic weather. Get your stuff together Bredbandsbolaget and at least try to make one perfect year, make it my Christmas present for next year, pretty please?

PS. Here is their commercial. Ds.


22 nov. 2011

Rain clouds

Feels like I got a constant rain cloud over me.
This is awful depressing.
After rain comes sun! c:
Used Illustrator.

/ Heavsie

17 nov. 2011


So today my mom and I had our famous talk about how hard it is to make it through in the Graphic Design business. Apparently I'm not good enough and is not using enough of my brain. I'm so tired of hearing this. I'm not the best, but I can't be that awful either, can I?

[Click on the pic for larger image]


Alpaca Star Wars

I'm sorry for all the animal videos but they are hilarious.. I'm also a huge fan of Star Wars.


Evil Owl

I LOL'd...


16 nov. 2011

How about.. No.

Silver colored diamond necklace. Only for the brave! Can be yours on ebay for roughly 5 USD..
Oh Ebay, you never stop to amaze me.
